Monday, September 22, 2008


I don't think this is a nice thing to say...but...I am sort of glad to hear Americans aren't the only ones suffering through a mortgage crisis. Although I do feel bad hearing that most English people believe the problems in lending are due to some British banks buying loans that have defaulted from American banks. It will be interesting to research that and see the extent of how true that is.

It was also very intriguing to learn that British soldiers are actually quite scorned here as people oppose the war so fervently. It was sad to find out that they do not receive as much respect as we give our American soldiers. In fact, British soldiers aren't even welcome in pubs (bars)!

We had a very busy and full day today...much too much to mention on the few minutes I get to journal on this blog! I will say,however, that we spent over an hour on a huge, post-battle burial ground and St. Mary's Church was raised over it specifically to pray for all the souls lost during battle!!

My camera died after this spot so I can't upload pictures of us meeting the mayor (how cool is that!?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those are some great pics! emily is loving them!